Keynotes: Lemongrass, Coriander, Mysore Sandalwood, Cedarwood
Aroma: Herbal, Spicy, Woody
Notes like Mysore Sandalwood elicit feelings of calm and increase focus. Lemongrass promotes mindfulness and encourages a positive state of spiritual clarity. Coriander gives emotional relief and chases away anxiety. Cedarwood has grounding and calming effects on the mood as well as warming effects on the skin.
For a grounding experience encouraging focus, strength, and balance, discover St. Pauls, FRAMA's first fragrance, a comforting scent with an earthy formulation with distinctive freshness.
Softer to the skin than alcohol-based fragrances, the St. Paul's perfume oil is packaged in a travel-friendly roll-on bottle which contains a highly concentrated form of the scent. The perfume is carried by an oil blend based on jojoba extract appropriate to pleasantly anoint the skin with. Re-discover St. Pauls and encounter new facets of the fragrance revealed by the oil in touch with your skin.